Oct 11, 2011

two things on a tuesday

1. As some of you might already know, I've been getting around this week. I've had the great opportunity to share my experiences with some neat blogs. On Monday my interview with QueryTracker went up. In it I talk about my path from agent to publisher, my research techniques and my superpower of choice. Today I was honored to give an interview for Mindy McGinnis over at Writer, Writer. In that interview I go more in depth with the submission process and what it was like for me. Feel free to check these out (the links are in the blog names, they're just camouflaged in white). I had a lot of fun answering their questions (it was good introspection).

2. This week I finally caved and admitted that the internet is more of a distraction than I need it to be.
Often, this is how my writing time will go: write 1 page, check e-mail, facebook and twitter, write half a page, check blog stats, write a quarter of a page, look at pretty pictures on other people's tumblrs, realize that two hours has gone by and slap myself on the wrist.
Along with this confession came the realization that not all hope was lost. I didn't have to be forced into compulsory internet surfing every ten minutes. Why? Mac Freedom. Basically it's a computer program where you tell it how much time you want to be blocked from the internet and it will close down your networking capabilities for that amount of time. There's absolutely no way to get back online. With it on my writing time looks more like this: write 1 page, think about internet and stare at browser alias wistfully, go back to writing another page, wonder if I have any new @replies on twitter, write one more page. The end result is far more pages than before. And less internet angst. Although I still haven't found a way to reconcile Pandora with this new program.

Music: Escape 700 by The Chemical Brothers (from the Hanna soundtrack)
Fueled by: Peanut Butter Granola Bar and loose-leaf Ethiopian Chai
Working on: My WIP (MG/YA adventure)


  1. Thanks for coming over, Ryan!

  2. Oh I forgot about peoples' tumblrs! *runs off, and neglects work*

  3. Mindy- You are so welcome! Thanks for having me.

    Kathryn- I have vowed not to start a tumblr. I fear it would be the end of me.
